烏克蘭冬日嘉年華 Ukrainian Winter Festival and Christmas Market

  • 2022/12/11(周日) 15:00(+0800) ~ 19:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • Studio 9 / 台北市萬華區漢中街116號9F
  • Taiwan Stands With Ukraine



  • 各式各樣的烏克蘭美食、飲品和點心
  • 聖誕市集
  • 音樂和DJ表演
  • 老少咸宜的遊戲及活動

2022年已進入尾聲,但俄烏戰爭仍持續地延燒。俄羅斯在冬季前不斷針對烏克蘭的能源網進行攻擊,發動了一次又一次的空襲,讓許多城市都經歷過大停電。其意圖十分明顯 - 俄羅斯希望讓烏克蘭的關鍵能源設施癱瘓,活活的將烏克蘭人在寒冬中凍死。



註:本次特別感謝Studio 9與「台灣烏克蘭陣線」共同籌辦此活動。


TSWU would love to invite you to join us for a Ukrainian Winter Festival and Christmas Market on December 11. Let us celebrate the season together and fundraise for heating supplies in Ukraine! Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Lots of Ukrainian food, drinks, and snacks
  • A Christmas market and merchandise stalls
  • Music, DJ performances, and games to get you into the holiday spirit 🙂
  • Fun classes for kids!

As 2022 draws to a close, the grueling Russia-Ukraine war continues. Ahead of winter, Russia has been attacking Ukraine’s energy grids, launching air strike after air strike that has led to power outages in numerous cities. The intention is clear - disabling critical infrastructure and freezing Ukrainians to death. Despite the cold, the winter holidays should be a time for family, warmth, and gathering. Join us on December 11 for fundraising and festivities! All festival and charity market proceeds will be given to local volunteer organizations in Ukraine. Special thanks to Studio 9 for generously hosting this event with us.

Studio 9 / 台北市萬華區漢中街116號9F


票種 販售時間 售價
Normal Ticket

2022/11/30 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/12/11 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$150
Normal Ticket

2022/12/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/12/11 19:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$150